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NOTICE April 15, 2017: To address non-Y2K issues with the JB08DRV.for program and the DTCFILE.TXT data file, the Fortran program JB08DRV.for file has been updated to JB08DRVY2K.for, and now uses the 4-digit year (simply download the program and remove the .txt extension). The FORTRAN source code is composed of a collection of a main driver (JB08DRVY2K.for), and a subroutine (JB2008.for). The comments at the top of JB08DRV.for describes these files. Please review your computers Fortran compiler documentation to determine if compiler options are needed. But typically, on a Linux computer using the gfortran compiler, these programs can be compiled simply with gfortran -o JB08DRV.exe JB08DRVY2K.for JB2008.for

JB2008 Code files (after downloading remove the .txt extension)
JB08DRVY2K.for.txt JB2008.for.txt DTCMAKEDR.for.txt

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This work was carried out by Mr. David C. Guglielmo, Graduate Research Assistant at the Advanced Autonomous Multiple Spacecraft laboratory of the University of Florida.
This work was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, contract # N00014-15-1-2087".


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